
Mohamed Sinjari is an English speaking attorney, legal advisor and translator with 18 years’ experience in Iraqi law, and 20 years in translation. Mr. Sinjari has a long professional work experience and ability to work independently in a rapidly changing professional environment. His experience also includes working in international work environment as he has worked for international NGOs and corporations including the UN agencies.

His fluency in spoken and written English, Kurdish and Arabic languages, along with his international organisational and time management skills, strong oral and written communication skills, his past and present experience in the Iraqi and Regional context has provided him with in-depth knowledge of the legal, political, cultural and economic climate under which any case will operate.
In light of his legal mentality, technical and management experience, Mr. Sinjari can make good decisions. He is a very organized person; so he can plan and manage priorities and time, very good in planning and managing his resources in line with the legal and professional standards and our commitment to our clients’ success.